Thursday, 30 May 2024

Trinity Sunday 26 May 2024 Sermon

Trinity Sunday 26 May 2024 Eternity

Where did God come from? If He made everything who made Him? These are questions which arise.

No one made God because that would mean there is someone superior to God, which there cannot be.

He did not ‘come’ from anywhere because He had no beginning. Beginnings imply the presence of time. God lives outside of time, in eternity. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.

He is Creator of all that is, seen and unseen. The world was perfect when it left His hands, but has deviated off course because of sin.

Not so much off course, however, that we can still see the beauty of His work.

Human beings are the most complicated part of God’s creation because we have free will and can defy God’s will.

Other parts of His creation do not have the capacity to reason or decide things. People are a danger to themselves because we can decide wrongly.

Whereas if we could learn from the lesser creation to obey at all times we would be a lot happier.

It would not be slavery for us to do this but a true release where we work with God and establish a pure connection to His power and goodness.

Anyway there is no where else we can go for such a result.

The more we know about God the better, and the more likely we are to entrust ourselves to Him, and not be looking elsewhere for what can be found in Him alone.

So we have the chance today to focus on the nature of God Himself. What is He like? How much can we know Him? He wants us to know all that we can.

He has revealed Himself to us as a Trinity of Persons in one nature, which is God.

The Father begets the Son, the Son returns to the Father, the Spirit comes from both. These are all acts of humility as each Person yields to the other and claims nothing for His own use.

We learn there some clues relating to ourselves.

That goodness fills all the universe, that in an endless flow of giving and receiving which we see in the Trinity we learn humility, generosity, community.

We can learn to live together peaceably, and share whatever there is fairly.

God does not need us but He does want us. We cannot add to God's glory which is infinite, but we can help all the same, by making Him more widely known.

We are important to Him, but sadly the human race does not generally return the compliment, and either ignores or defies God’s infinite goodness.

We can atone for that neglect and disobedience, and give full praise and thanksgiving to a very generous God.

We can always find Him at short notice in prayer, in any time or place; and we will derive some comfort from that. It is not the full eternal joy of Heaven but it is a step in that direction.

We are drawn into divine life as we imitate it in our own lives now. We are not yet outside of time in blissful eternity, but we are practising for what that is like!

The more generous, humble… etc … we are, the more we are conforming to the inner life of God and can hope to share that life.

One key is Giving, wanting to give more than receive. This is what the Trinity does, and we are learning it.

All glory to the One God, Three Persons.


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