Thursday, 20 October 2022

19th Sunday after Pentecost 16 Oct 2022 Sermon

19th Sunday after Pentecost 16 October 2022 Invitation

Our Lord invites us to the banquet, which represents His kingdom, or we could say, His Church.

Some invitations are too good to refuse and this is certainly one of those.

Coming from God an invitation is much the same as being commanded.

We might resent being commanded to do anything but if it makes us happier why complain?

If we refuse an invitation it means we forfeit whatever benefit would come to us from acceptance. People are sometimes very casual about God, as though they can sort it out with Him anytime. The time might run out before they ever do sort it out.

There is too much at stake to delay entry into His banquet, to get ourselves right with Him, and stay in a state of grace.

To be without God for all eternity is an agony, comparable to but far worse than suffering a burning thirst or any similar pain.

Is it unfair of God to put such a weighty choice on us? It is best not to be too fussy; better just to accept the invitation and then sort out what it all means.

We cannot demand to be treated as equal partners. We have to trust that God has set up the best arrangement possible for us.

If we are being rescued we don’t want to have a discussion about it, till the danger is past.

A direct straightforward approach is required; God proposes and man agrees.

We can't do it by ourselves, nor on our own terms. If we can humble ourselves enough to realize this we will be fine.

God does not ask us first how He is going to arrange His universe or what various creations He would make.

We are born into these things; we have no say. But why argue? It is better if we agree and go from there (be it done unto me according to thy word).

We cannot change the system, but we can work with it.

The only way to be saved is to go with Christ and be admitted into His kingdom.

To belong to the Church requires that we conform on certain matters of faith and morality. We do need someone to tell us what to do when it comes to things of major import such as basic beliefs and teachings.

But that is not to limit us; it actually serves as a springboard to greater knowledge and freedom.

To live in a state of grace is much happier than living apart from God, deep in sin.

It is not strength but pride which leads people to refuse to conform to a higher truth.

I can work it out myself, they will say. For how long?

We will have the chance to exercise our particular gifts once we have come inside to the banquet.. Humility will protect us from any temptation to go it alone. This is wearing the wedding garment – conforming to the conditions of the banquet.

There is strength in unity and together we can make our talents available as the Holy Spirit directs (1 Cor 12,11). We bring what we have and it is multiplied (parable of talents Mt 25,14-30) (or the loaves and fishes, Jn 6,1-14)).

And who knows what limit there is to the Church if enough of her members can wake up to this?

Each person has the power to strengthen or weaken the Church according to how he responds to Our Lord’s offer.

For ourselves, we accept the invitation and enjoy the banquet!


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