Thursday, 5 May 2022

St Joseph the Worker 1 May 2022 Sermon

St Joseph the Worker 1 May 2022     

St Joseph is a strong and reassuring presence, dependable, reliable.

Advertising often uses such terms. If you want a product that will last, come to us. If you want someone who can do the job, call on one of our people.

If you want someone to be husband of the Blessed Virgin, and foster father of the Christ child you know where to look! Or at least, God knew where to look.

Joseph shows us the importance of being a support to others who may be more brilliant than ourselves. Great people stand on the shoulders of others. He made it easier for Mary and Jesus to be who they had to be. Joseph himself seems to fall into the shadows by comparison, yet no one else would have done it as well as he did. He was very good at not being noticed, despite his great holiness.

We should not seek or even want higher office in the Church. On the other hand, we should be totally available to do God's will.

When we read the lives of saints we find a regular theme, that they did not want to be Pope or Bishop but accepted the position out of obedience and then did a great job.

This is the ideal combination. A genuine humility that makes us aware of our unworthiness to do God's work; coupled with a spirit of obedience that will do anything God asks, without question or argument.

St Joseph was one such person, and probably the best of all of them.

In his case it was not any splendid title he was adopting; it was a role that would not be recognized until after he was dead.

People did not say of him, as he walked down the street – there is the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary; there is the foster father of the God-Man, Jesus Christ. The Holy Family kept its riches secret. The truths contained in that house were too valuable to be thrown out amongst the community. Everything had to be done at the right time and in the right way.

The claim on Joseph’s humility had another element as well. He was not consulted about any of the events regarding the coming of Christ into the world.

These days there would be meetings and discussions about such things. In Joseph’s case he was just given orders.

In four separate dreams he was given instructions which he promptly obeyed. Take Mary as your wife; go to Egypt; come back from Egypt; live in Nazareth. (cf Matthew, chapters 1 and 2)

He obeyed these commands without knowing what would happen next. Or what it would all lead to. Like a good soldier, taking orders.

What was so good about Joseph was that he did not think he was so good.

He did not, and would not assert himself against God.

The emptier the vessel the more fully it can be filled.

God can take someone who is responsive, and do wonders with such a person. If we show ourselves willing to do God’s will, He will take up that willingness and give us things to do. And if we succeed in those things He will give more talents, and more work.

We are still unworthy but there is a rightness in accepting God’s commission.

We pray for detachment from earthly honours; for an absolute desire at all times to please God – the highest goal; for the grace to do what must be done.

To work for Him, as St Joseph did – whatever it takes.

St Joseph, pray for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or Traditional Latin Mass Church in Glenrowan Vic is under the patronage of St Joseph the Worker.