Thursday, 25 June 2020

3rd Sunday after Pentecost 21 Jun 2020 Sermon

3rd Sunday after Pentecost 21.6.20 Hidden sins

Who can understand sins? from my secret ones cleanse me, O Lord (Ps 18,12).

The epistle today says the devil is prowling round like a roaring lion ( 1P 5,8).

It would be easier for us if the devil were as visible and audible as a roaring lion! We have enough sense to run away from a real roaring lion, but the devil is a more subtle adversary.

‘Roaring lion’ refers only to the ferocity of the devil. He is ferociously angry with us, as he seeks to do us as much harm as possible. This realization should sober us.

We humans are too inclined to rely on our sense experience. If we can see a danger we respond; if not we become complacent.

This is why there are so many warnings in the Scriptures about being ready even though nothing seems to be happening. Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. (Mt 24,44)

Instead, be like the wise virgins (Mt 25,1-13) or the industrious servants who are ready when the master returns. (Mt 24,45-47).

The devil does not want to be detected. He will work quietly to unpick the threads of our world, and lure everyone into complacent abandonment of previously held beliefs.

So we see a decline in morality and faith on many levels: attack on family, life, truth, self-control etc.

Things which were considered sinful are no longer so considered (even though they are still sins)

People are edging closer to hell but they cannot sense it; they cannot see the flames! Or hear the shrieks of the tormented souls.

If they could see and hear these things there would be no doubt a major repentance.

God wants us to come to repentance without needing such stimuli. He wants us to love Him for His own sake, and not just to keep out of  hell.

For us here, we do not need a vision of hell to keep us on the straight and narrow. We are  not killing and robbing – do we need to change anything?

Back to those  secret sins - if the devil is a lion he is also a snake, meaning sneaky.

He has ways to tempt us based on our weakest points. So we can be proud, unforgiving, vain, lazy, lustful, self-serving and a host of similar things, which may not look like much, but can cumulatively lead us astray.

We will detect these things if we are attentive in prayer and meditation on the ways of God.

We will learn how to go against the tide of popular opinion. We will learn how to make decisions based on God's truth, and not just passion or sentiment.

We call on the angels and saints to help. Our side has invisible forces too and is strong enough to expose the deceptions of the devil. They pray for us; they give us good example. What they did we can do. Once we see those deceptions we are not going to fall for them. We will walk in the light. (1 Jn 1,5-7)

All sins, hidden or not, can be swept away by the infinite love of Christ, who seeks out the lost (Gospel)

If only one turns to Him, even in partial recognition of his need, then things will happen.

If God is seeking us, we can help greatly by seeking Him. This will accelerate the process.

The Sacred Heart burns with love for lost souls, confused and broken by adversity. Come to Me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. (Mt 11, 28-30)

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