Thursday, 20 May 2021

Sunday after Ascension 16 May 2021 Sermon

 Sunday after Ascension 16.5.21 Heaven

We follow our Lord to Heaven in our minds and hearts. We know He is returning. There is a continual interaction between Heaven and earth. And He comes here as well, especially in the Eucharist.

The Ascension was needed in terms of being a completion of Our Lord’s stay on earth.

His true home was in Heaven; He did not belong here. He could not have just lived in a suburb somewhere. Heaven was the fulfilment.

It might help if we had a clearer conception of what Heaven is. Heaven is our true home (Ph 3,20)

Yet we have never been home to see it! We long for Heaven without knowing precisely what is there, or what it is like.

But we know it is all good , being so close to God. Peace, love, justice, etc - things we yearn for here, but get only bits and pieces.

Would it be boring in Heaven? No because boredom is itself an evil and would not be found in Heaven.

By contrast we would have so much to contemplate or pursue.

But the greatest pleasure of Heaven is not just being with loved ones, nor a continuation of earthly pleasures multiplied - but to see God face to face. To contemplate Him is our greatest need and greatest happiness.

Many would not see this, either why they need God or why they should praise Him.

We have much to learn. If we had behaved better up till now we would have less trouble understanding these things.

God is good. Consider that whatever we find attractive on earth comes from Him, so He must be more desirable than whatever that attraction is. He is the source of  all good.

Yet people reject Him while clinging to what He has made. After too many years of putting the bad things first, judgment becomes warped.

It should be helpful for us to meditate on the joys of Heaven. And really to make sure we are going there - which is under our power.

As people are vague about what is in Heaven, so they are vague about what it takes to go there.

Is there any difficulty?  Many today think that all you have to do is die, and there you are! Everyone, but everyone, goes there.

It is not that easy. On the other hand it is not so hard, but it does require a reasoned response from us, a movement of love expressed through repentance and obedience.

We are less afraid to die once we are convinced of Heaven’s reality. We usually do not want to die today, or anytime soon, but if we did die today, and went to Heaven, we would then be glad.

We do not wish our loved ones back, once we consider this. Those who die in the Lord have some share of His eternal and infinite life. We wish them to enjoy that.

It is better if we go to them; and that is our understanding of how it all works.

In the same light we do not resent God if He takes us, or someone we love.

His holy will can ensure the best possible arrangement of circumstances.

Our time on earth is brief, even when we achieve our full measure of years. We do not cling unduly to this life; rather we prepare ourselves for our true and eternal home.

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