Thursday, 23 July 2020

7th Sunday after Pentecost 19 Jul 2020 Sermon

7th Sunday after Pentecost 19.7.20 Judgment

Those who say ‘Lord Lord’  are not necessarily saved (Gospel)

We must be doers of the word and not just speaking it (Jm 1,22)

In the end we will be judged on our actions, as in the parable of the sheep and the goats (Mt 25, 31-46). Whatever you did for the least of my brethren you did for Me.

It is the doing that counts.

We still should say the right things because that will help us to focus on what we ought to be doing. Also our words can be useful as instruction or encouragement.

Having said that actions are more important, they are not enough by themselves.

1) We must act from the right motives. Even if I give my body to be burnt, but have not love, it profits me nothing (1 Co 13,3).

The motive for our good actions is very important because there we find our true stance towards Almighty God.

If I am doing good only for my own self-interest – seeking to impress others, for instance – that will not bring me closer to God.

But if I am seeking to please Him for His sake, that is loving God as we are commanded.

Many today would bypass God and just try to help other people, missing the main point of the whole operation.

We are created to know love and serve God. This is our main reason for existing. It is not a side issue

It still comes down to what we do, but we see that our words are important, and our motives more important still.

We can get all of it right with continual application.

Most people would see readily the importance of good actions.

Many, indeed, will justify their wrong behaviour by pointing to the good that they do.

‘I don’t go to Mass but I do help out at the soup kitchen’ – for instance.

2) We cannot trade obligations like this. We have to seek complete unity of all our obligations, so that we are thinking, saying, and doing the right things. And all of this for the glory of God – motivated by Him and leading back to Him..

We cannot rely only on one of these things alone. Words without actions can be just hot air; good intentions the same.

3) Actions can be misdirected, for example, helping someone to organise suicide through euthanasia.

We have all these threads in our hands, and need wisdom to get the right balance.

We constantly need to re-organise our thoughts, words, and actions; straighten out anything that is off-balance.

We cannot do this all at once, as it involves so many habits and patterns of behaviour. We can at least head in the right direction, which is what we are doing whenever we make an act of repentance.

Peace of mind comes as we sense that we are converging on the right conditions for salvation.

God will help each disciple to get all this right, with constant forgiveness and encouragement, with wisdom to keep it all in balance.

Like any activity it can become less of an effort; we automatically do the right things. overcoming obstacles like unforgiveness, sloth, apathy, bad example from others.

Our motives are purified, our thoughts and words also; our actions will be the right ones and for the right reasons.

So each disciple and the whole Church are meant to operate. This is how we are saved.

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