Thursday, 2 November 2017

Feast of Christ the King 29 Oct 2017 Sermon

Feast of Christ the King 29.10.17 Dominion

A certain priest has suggested that same-sex ‘marriage’ should be allowed civilly, but not in the Church. This is an example of exaggerated distinction between Church and State.

That Church and State should be kept separate is actually a false idea. We can separate things for the sake of order and efficiency. The Church does not have to be visibly involved in every activity. We do not expect the Pope or Bishop to be running the Treasury or the Law Courts.

However, no part of the universe is outside God's authority, and no one who is running things has the right to act in a way contrary to God’s laws.

He rules it all by virtue of having made it, and keeping it in being. It is His universe!

It may look like things run themselves, but that is only because God has designed them so well. Being infinitely intelligent, the processes He puts in place are naturally very efficient. Still He has the right and the power to intervene at any point, and in any way.

Therefore no law of the state can go against the law of God. Same-sex ‘marriage’, abortion, euthanasia, IVF, and all similar issues are answerable to God, not just the civil authorities.

Today is the Feast of Christ the King. On this day especially we acknowledge that God the Son has dominion over all creation. All authority has been given to Me (Mt 28,18).

As God, He is creator. So He has complete power in that capacity.

As Man, He has changed the whole script, re-fashioning the human race in Himself. This gives Him far more right to rule the world than winning an election, or inheriting a throne would do.

It falls to those who know how important He is to proclaim that importance; to worship Him (that is, to express His worth, which is infinite).

At least someone is taking Him seriously on this crazy planet! While others are saying He does not exist, or does not count; or that He has no say in this or that part of the world - we uphold His importance, and will proclaim it. Most of all, we will live by it.

It is vital that we who profess to be His subjects must obey Him ourselves.

Our disobedience has done great damage to the cause. This has enabled so many errors to take hold; and so much disenchantment with the true faith. Rival religions and philosophies have sprung up everywhere, which just makes it harder for the Truth to be discovered.

(On the matter of false philosophies, we note the hundredth anniversary of Communism, a massive evil, based on the denial and hatred of religion.)

The power of Christ is infinite but it can be impeded by human resistance. Our Lord respects our freedom of will, and will not necessarily override us when we choose wrongly.

He wants His people to be His disciples, friends even; to obey Him in all things, but not grudgingly, as though it were a burden, but willingly and joyfully. He wants us to rule with Him, in a derivative way, to make the earth better than it was at Eden. And with still better to come in Heaven.

He waits on our free response. He could easily override us at any point, even to bring the world to an end.

He holds back, to give us time to repent (cf Mt 13,24-30 the wheat and the tares).

And if we do repent, then to give us time to build up His kingdom.

Eventually, He will come to claim what is His. Everything is His but He will claim only that which acknowledges Him. Those who reject Him to the last, will be themselves rejected.

We want to be in the right state to receive Him then; but we receive Him already insofar as we align with His will.

And meanwhile we pray for the conversion of those who presently oppose or ignore Him.

That they will see Him whom they have pierced (Jn 19,37), and proclaim Him Lord of all creation; not just of Church property, but all places and all times.

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