Thursday, 31 October 2013

Feast of Christ the King 27 October 2013

Christ the King 27.10.13 God, King, Saviour

As we contemplate the sheer size of the universe or the complexity and diversity of all that is on the earth we can react in one of two ways.

One reaction would be to conclude that we are not really so special, just a small rock in space, and mankind not the only - nor necessarily the most important - species in existence. This view essentially denies the existence of God, or at least His relevance.

The other and opposite reaction is to see that the earth is still the most important of all the stars and planets, and the human race is still the most important component in God’s scheme of things. True, it is a very large universe but that is what you would expect an infinite generous God to make

Either we are just random molecules put together in human form on an equally random planet - without purpose or direction.

Or we are planned, created, kept in being, and finally saved by a loving God who is concerned for each one of us.

These are two very different view of life. We hold to the second view. It is a much more cheerful view, and it also happens to be true. At times we might feel we are caught up in a giant impersonal world but actually we all hold a very important place in God’s plans.

There is nothing random about our existence. All reality is held together by one Person, God the Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ: All things were created by Him and in Him; and He is before all, and by Him all things consist (Epistle).

Christ has united the human race in His own humanity and taken us (at least all those who want) to a higher level, even as far as Heaven itself.

It is often suggested that our religion is just one among many, and even as saviours go that Jesus is only one among others.

No, He is the only Saviour as He is the only God. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. All creation is subject to Him. He does not share any power with other gods. How could He if they do not even exist?!

The pessimistic atheistic view described above has done great harm to many people, depriving them of the simple faith that would make their life a lot easier.

Today’s feast is a chance for us to reaffirm our recognition of the central place of Christ in the universe.

Because He is so much denied or ignored the world is largely in chaos. We can go some way to setting matters right by our willing obedience to Him, and worship of Him.

There will come a time when every knee shall bow before Him, but we need that bowing to be voluntary, not the involuntary reaction of terror.

We must honour Him now, while there is still time, before the final Judgment closes all options.

If enough of the human race would recognize who really is their King the world would start to come right from all that presently afflicts it.

We can help to make Him known by imitating His humility. For all His splendour He came not to be served but to serve. This must be our attitude also; from obedience to Him and as witness to others.

If we can stay loyal to Him in times of trial we will share His glory when He comes again.

May He who always has been King finally be recognised as He deserves.

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