Tuesday, 4 October 2011

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2 Oct 2011 Sermon

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2.10.11 Let God rule

Often we hear in political news that two or more people are contesting leadership of a party. When two or more people want a place and there is room for only one – that leads to tension.

Today’s Gospel parable refers to any such situation when people are striving for a greater slice of the pie than they presently have; wanting something more.

When people claim a higher place than they deserve they will probably have to take a humiliating fall.

Not everyone is ambitious for high office. Most people are probably happy just to find a level where they can make enough money, have some sort of recognition from others, and keep some sort of self-respect in the process.

So we might think ourselves to be humble enough in terms of today’s parable. But there is another power struggle going on that we might not be aware of.

And that is the struggle between the human race and Almighty God, for control of this world, for control of our own lives and destiny.

God has given us intelligence (enough to be dangerous) and free will. But because of these gifts we are in a position to rebel against Him; and we often do.

At such a point we need humility to take the lower place, deferring to a greater mind.

So who is running my life? Is it me or God? Sometimes I obey Him; sometimes I claim sovereign control for myself (which usually amounts to sin).

We should just let Him run the whole thing but we find that very difficult – due to pride, or fear of what will happen.

On every possible occasion the Scriptures tell us to trust God; not to assert ourselves against Him, not resist His plans.

It is not just that we are a zillion times inferior to Him and that it is absurd for the lesser to try to usurp the greater. It is also that God loves us and can do far more good for us than we could ever achieve for ourselves.

So in today’s Epistle we have St Paul encouraging us to explore more fully the nature of God, to get to know Him better. If we are resisting Him then it is plain we don’t yet know Him well enough. If we knew him better we would willingly submit ourselves to Him, just as they do in heaven.
St Paul prays we get to know Him better. That is what we have to do as well. Pray. And receive sacraments, and obey the will of God, even if it is against the grain to begin with. If we persevere in seeking Him out we will come to know Him and love Him.

Will we do these things? Each must decide for himself.

God will help us if we ask Him. By His grace we can get used to Him and the way He works and the easier it becomes for us to get the right balance.

The main thing is to get used to the idea that He is on our side. He is to be sought out rather than avoided.

He knows better than we do how to run our lives, and the whole universe for that matter.

We are not to seek a higher place if motivated by pride or greed, but we can seek a better life; a greater understanding of God, a closer union with Him.

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