Christmas Day 2024 Levels of salvation
Jesus Christ is born among us. A Saviour has come. To rescue us from sin and death, to bring us from darkness to light. To make right all that was wrong, and to enrich further whatever is right.
Jesus has come among us. He wants to console us with the knowledge of his coming and also to change us as people to be like Himself in His perfect humanity; to become better people than we were before. So we have much to celebrate at Christmas.
There are different levels to the feast. There is the feasting, the gathering of families and friends, the presents, the holiday element. We are for a short while free from our usual cares.
But the good news goes further than these things. This story we enact of the Bethlehem scene is not just make-believe. It is a true story; these things did happen.
It is not just a story from a long time ago or far away. It is happening around us and to us.
Jesus is Saviour of the whole world and all time. He came to rescue everyone not just the people of some places and some times. No one has to accept Him but everyone can - and should.
People have always had an idea that their god would give them what they need. So they pray for their crops, their battles, to be free of natural disasters etc.
Our God (the only one who actually exists) grants us those things, especially if we ask for them in faith.
But He also brings us into unity with Himself and promises us eternal life. We might have started out just praying for rain and we get eternal life. That is God's way of showing us what He is like.
We pray for health in the body and He forgives our sins (health in the soul).
He not only forgives the guilt of the sin but gives us a new desire for what is right.
We pray for our nation and He gives us the Kingdom of God, which goes beyond national borders and unites all who enter it.
We are conscious that many people are experiencing poverty at present. God wants us to give to the poor, and also to correct any injustices which make it difficult for people to receive sufficient income.
Christmas inspires us to see that everyone has enough of the things of this world. In giving we are receiving from Christ and building up a better world (Kingdom).
We are conscious of the wars going on around the world, and pray that people will learn from the Saviour how to treat enemies (preferably turn them into friends).
There is always this double element. Physical material help is vital, but in Christ it always points to spiritual benefits.
If we ask for the spiritual gift that will always motivate us to material help. The generosity of God will awaken generosity in us.
The Christmas story always gives us a sense of peace, but it is more than a nice story. It really can change those who take it seriously.
Can a baby in an unknown town have that much influence on world history? He has influenced many but as we see He can be resisted. But He cannot be made to go away, and under another title (Good Shepherd or Sacred Heart) He will continue to search for lost sheep.
As to ourselves if we let Him enter our lives we will experience constant blessings and might even see a change in our surrounding society, the Kingdom of God coming among us.